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"Mom decorated the windows for Easter, and now the cat is colored with polka dots by the sunlight."

"I was walking in a forest when I saw a pine tree getting struck by lightning. Before the firemen I called came, I managed to take a few beautiful shots."

This splash looks like a blanket.

A forest service worker photographed a fire burning a tree from the inside. This is its real color.

"I managed to capture 2 rainbows after a monsoon in the Grand Canyon."

A quiet town in Iceland

This is one picture. No Photoshop! It shows the moon above the Mauna Kea volcano in Hawaii.

"My 4-year-old nephew loves dinosaurs and volcanoes. I made a cool picture for him in Hawaii."

Just an eagle standing on ice and admiring its reflection!

"It seems like there is a lot of Photoshop in this picture, but it's just a view from my tent in the morning."

When it's foggy, the Sutro Tower in San Francisco turns into a pirate ship.

Supporting the Leaning Tower of Pisa is for weaklings. Try to support a rainbow!

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"My friend just took a picture of this beauty."

This skyscraper in New York is 2-dimensional.

The International Space Station flying over a thunderstorm

Looks like a dog inside a bubble!

When the angle changes everything:

The light is passing through the dining room window and the back of the chair, breaking into the spectrum.

The rays of the setting sun, highlighting the dog from behind a car, give the impression that it's on fire.

"I went on a 10-km night hike to Lake Solitude in the Grand Teton National Park, and it was amazing."

"Today I managed to photograph something truly amazing."

Little cookies on the stand turned into a huge cookie with chocolate chips in the reflection on the cup.

The Milky Way over a racetrack in Death Valley National Park

2 planes in one picture

This looks like a giant woman resting in the ocean and leaning against a huge mountain.

"Do you think this is a photo from a porthole or from space? It's Saratov at sunset. Just turn the picture upside down."

Have you ever taken really cool shots? Let's take a look at them together in the comments.

Preview photo credit Itmeerl / imgur