So much has been written about relationships that it’s difficult to determine what’s true and what’s not.
Not all relationships begin with incredible infatuation. Therefore, it is worth paying attention not only to passion and sparks but also to a sense of security and comfort that you feel (or not) next to a person. For a strong relationship, it is much more important if you can laugh together and trust each other.
Each person has their own interests and hobbies. Don’t think that if you love opera and your potential significant other is fond of rafting you will have nothing to talk about and will be unhappy together. On the contrary, personal interests will make you more attractive in the eyes of your partner.
People who never fight usually just don’t care. Couples without troubles are usually on their way to a breakup. We are not saying that foul language or abuse are okay, but small quarrels shouldn’t worry you. They happen to everyone, and this is how you and your partner learn to understand each other better. Making up is always nice too.
Do not expect your partner to unconditionally love your family and friends. You also don’t have to be a fan of your partner’s family. You choose only each other for the relationship. After this, you just need to organize interaction with others so that nobody gets insulted. The key is to communicate your hopes and boundaries to each other and your families.
If you think that the partners in happy couples never part, it’s an illusion. Sooner or later, every person wants to spend some time alone. In harmonious unions, partners understand this and calmly give each other personal space. You should never blame yourself for desiring this. Some rest from family duties is necessary. It doesn’t mean that you’ve stopped loving your partner: on the contrary, it helps preserve feelings or even breathe new life into the relationship.
A lot of the time we learn the characteristics of a "perfect" relationship from movies or ads. But they have little to do with reality. Remember that when noticing your partner’s little flaws. They make them real.
Illustrated by Natalia Kulakova for