They say that creativity is what makes humans human, and it seems like people not only have this feature, but are constantly developing it. Every day we have to deal with so many problems. Solving them creatively makes our life more fun and easier, and some of the solutions are so cool, they just blow your mind.
Bright Side admires creativity, and we have collected some genius decisions to inspire you and make your day.
© EduardoGiovanniMX / facebook
My man here on this @SouthwestAir flight is living in the year 3019 and using a plastic baggie to hold his phone so he can watch it hands free.
I want to shadow this man all day and just learn.
Who do you think deserves the Virtuoso of 2019 award? What was the best solution you’ve ever come up with? Share your experience and photos in the comments.
Preview photo credit anlamsizfoto /